

All of our paper work in complete, all the i’s are dotted, all the t’s crossed and all the authentication seals have been given. On Monday, October 10th the orphanage where Ellie is or will be is going to review our file, our photo book and all of our recommendation letters and make a decision to approve us for adoption. We will know Monday evening their decision. Please be praying for favor, for the committee to approve us. I am trying not to worry, not to be anxious, and reminding myself that God is in control and He set this in motion and He has His hand on the entire process.

In this time of waiting I have been reflecting on the faithfulness of God. He really has orchestrated this journey. When we committed to the decision to adopt a baby in February, we did not know how everything would work out, how we would afford it, what Easton would think, etc. Everything has worked out amazingly, we were able to make each of our required payments, a HUGE thanks to my parents, Cody’s mom and stepdad and so many of y’all who have contributed to us. We really really could not have done this without y’all. Thank you for buying t-shirts, donating to our garage sale, buying candles, eating at Joe Willy’s, shopping at our jewelry party, etc…We really are so blessed to have such a wonderful support system. Easton is so excited to have a sister, he already saves a seat for her, asks to wear his Ellie shirt, points to Colombia on the map and asks about her and prays for her every night. He recently started asking when Ellie will come home. I love his tender heart and how caring he already is at such a young age.

Our spring garage sale was such a huge success, we are having another garage sale on October 15th, if you have been cleaning out things and want to get rid of things, we would love to have them for our garage sale. I will come pick them up!

Please be praying for us and for the committee at the orphanage and especially be praying for Ellie. Pray that God will prepare her heart for adoption, prepare her to meet us and accept us as her parents, and that He will protect her. Please pray for us, pray that our hearts will have peace during this waiting season. We love and appreciate y’all so much!




I am a passionate cook who is striving to broaden my families pallet.

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