

Yesterday we got the phone call we have been waiting for since we resubmitted our home study to be reviewed again. On December 12th the committee in Colombia reviewed our complete dossier and was happy with everything and yesterday they APPROVED us!

So, now the waiting clock officially starts! We were told a 6-12 month wait, but as of now only one family has actually waited a full 6 months to be matched with their child. We of course are hoping to not have to wait a long time, but we know that God is in control and His timing is absolutely perfect. It is such a relief to have all of the paper work and redoing of things behind us and now we wait for that phone call saying we have been matched. Once we have been matched, we quickly get everything together, have an international adoption pediatrician review her medical file, get our adoption visas from Colombia, submit for US immigration and book our travel! It will be a quick whirlwind of about 2 months and then we travel.

Once we have been matched our final payment is due and its around $14,000.00. If you want donate towards it, Click Here We are also going to have some really cool fundraisers coming up, so check back here for more info on them!

My mothers heart has been struggling lately. I am absolutely beyond blessed to have been able to have Easton and consider him to be our miracle baby. I know that our little Ellie is going to be another miracle in our lives, but I recently found out that two people who are close to me were pregnant and did not have to try very hard to become pregnant and when I found out it was bittersweet. I want my baby in my arms, I would love to be able to get pregnant again and have another child. I want Ellie home with me, not in an orphanage. Adoption is beautiful thing and mirrors the gospel and I 100% believe that we have been given this opportunity because we are the family God has chosen for Ellie and she is the daughter God has planned for us to have, but at the same time I am feeling a loss of the other children that we could have had. If you could pray for peace for us and especially me during this time.

We so appreciate each of y’all who are standing beside us in this journey, praying for us, encouraging us and supporting us. We love y’all!


I am a passionate cook who is striving to broaden my families pallet.

2 thoughts on “Finally…

  1. Dear Crystal and Cody, I know waiting is hard! I am praying for both of you and for things to go as quickly and easily as possible.

    Love and Hugs, Ruth Castleberry


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